Adding another translation engine

Over the next month I will be adding support for the free 500000 characters a month version of Deepl to Translate My Lingo! I will probably narrow its focus to just a few languages to try to stay under the cap. I currently have Google constrained to around 15 languages to stay under its cap. That should take some more of the load off Microsoft’s AI service.


Will be a little dusty with all the deprecations coming up!

ADAL has sunset so I cannot trust it in Azure SBM. MSAL looks great but they have it hard coded to not issue a token credential on mobile!?!?!? Seems in many ways mobile can be hardened better than a PC and can be truly remote wiped based on many conditions. Microsoft seems really out of touch with mobile and the corporate world.

But I think I might have found a REST alternative for Storage management client authentication. I’ll be trying it out this afternoon to see what happens!


Azure SBM

Is now in the Google Play Store! You can get the link to it on the Azure Simple Blob Manager page at the very top. Super excited to have apps in all three big stores now. Just got to get some minor things fixed up to meet Google’s new privacy directives and then it’s on to phase two additions to the apps for this fall!

Also. I am current on phase II for Translate My Lingo with adding support for direct translation setup for Apple App Store Updates and Store entries for the different languages. Should be finished in a month or so, I think.


MAUI is not ready but Microsoft is already killing Xamarin.Forms

Back when Android X was released Android said they were moving to a more privacy-style framework when it came to accessing storage. It was called Storage Access Framework or SAF for short. Well, now you can no longer submit any new apps that target SDK 30 or above that use READ or WRITE permissions for storage anymore. It is not allowed!

Well my Azure SBM uses the Xamarin.Essentials File Picker and it requires those permissions and it was a long fight to convince them that this cannot be any longer if you want to submit a NEW app. I ended up showing them in code how to do it and they said it would take a week and a half and I would be able to update and use the new version for my submission. Right now I have my own written SAF workaround but it is not as featured as theirs. Well, that was over a month and a half ago and all my messages on Github are being ignored for the last three weeks with no response. All I see are links to MAUI projects and nothing being done to put out a new XF version that resolves the issue so I can submit my app to the app store.

I mean seriously, they drove all the independent picker developers out of business when they rolled out their crap so there is no other solution. Now they want to forget XF and focus on a preview software package that is not even done or in production.

This sucks so bad to not be able to release because they don’t want to support a viable solution that has a lot more time in it left.

Here is the Github issue, if you follow through with all the little commits you’ll see the update to the bug report for XF stating no feature requests anymore. Everything goes to MAUI.


You can read my follow-up here Is .NET MAUI Ready Now?

Have the need for Blob and Container Mgmt on the go?

Well, I have the iOS and Android solutions for you! It’s called Azure Simple Blob Manager and there is really nothing simple about its capabilities to automate routine tasks and perform advanced functions as well.

Here are a couple of walk-through videos on iOS and Android to show some of its automation features as well as the little things that storage needs in a mobile app.

Here is Android

Here is the iOS one


Translate My Lingo App – Updated March 28

Is in the Windows App Store Now! Got a lot of work to do on the store interface but the app is solid. You can find it here it’s a fast-loading four-tab app that requires both an Azure Translation Subscription and a Google Translate API Key. You can get both on a free track and with Azure translate 2M characters a month with it free. Google gives you a 10 dollar credit that allows up to 500,000 characters translated each month.

With it, you can skip about half the Google 300 US fee to translate your Play Store entries for all the languages you have localized and get it done yourself pretty quickly.

Also, once you’ve localized the second tab of the app will translate your app update note into about 80 languages for you. All you have to do is copy and paste once it’s done and that’s it.

Here is patch note translation in action, kinda long but it is translating the patch notes into over 80 plus languages.

A shot of the main store front translator


A Couple of new Projects Almost Ready for Testing

Here is a video sample of my Google Developer Console Language Manager. It will convert your boilerplate store description over to any language and it’s just a click and paste to the new page to get it on a new language. Also, it will take your update notes from your default language and convert them into the proper format and languages of all the google supported languages so that all your supported platforms get the update notes in their native language. It’s just a cut-and-paste operation.

Here is an embed of it in action:

The language translation is handled by Azure Cognitive AI Translation. It is missing some languages so eventually, I’ll have to figure out how to integrate Google’s Translate into the picture for full coverage. But it covers about 85 percent which is a broad audience to reach and it makes it much easier and more automated. It should be in the Windows Store next week for 5 dollars with lifetime updates and fixes, you just need to supply your own Azure Cognitive Account with its coordinates.