A Couple of new Projects Almost Ready for Testing

Here is a video sample of my Google Developer Console Language Manager. It will convert your boilerplate store description over to any language and it’s just a click and paste to the new page to get it on a new language. Also, it will take your update notes from your default language and convert them into the proper format and languages of all the google supported languages so that all your supported platforms get the update notes in their native language. It’s just a cut-and-paste operation.

Here is an embed of it in action:

The language translation is handled by Azure Cognitive AI Translation. It is missing some languages so eventually, I’ll have to figure out how to integrate Google’s Translate into the picture for full coverage. But it covers about 85 percent which is a broad audience to reach and it makes it much easier and more automated. It should be in the Windows Store next week for 5 dollars with lifetime updates and fixes, you just need to supply your own Azure Cognitive Account with its coordinates.