Jellyfin Video Playlist Generator – Uses Spotify API

This is my custom python script that uses the Spotify API to create unique video playlists for my downloaded Youtube videos by Genre.  It queries Spotify using the Video title and grabs, if Spotify returns any genres at all, the most likely genre available and then creates a hash table entry for that song under the genre.  Once it is done adding all the videos to the hash table by genre it will parse it and then any genre that has less than 15 video in it will be moved to a catch all playlist.  This is done so that you don’t end up with over 650 playlists.  Why would that many playlists be created?  Because Spotify generally has a song listed under about 4 to 8 genres, I mean Christian Death Metal?  Come on, please…

Once it is done it will create the XML files and move them under the Jellfyfin servers library directory into their own sub-directories and then attempt to do a server restart.  If the new playlists do not show up, you may have to rescan your Jellyfin library to get them to appear.  There may be a web hook for that but if you want to extend the script to curl that then go right ahead.

But you can grab the script from my Github repo here: Jellyfin Video Playlist Creator
