App Prototype Update

I now am deploying my app prototype through all the testing channels of all the platform stores (Apple, Microsoft, Google). Always could use a couple of more testers, it runs on Android, iOS, iPadOS, and Windows!

I have been moving all my keys and app secrets out to the BuildTools package appsettings.json file that is kept locally and not uploaded to the repo. It is a handy package that really keeps my code safe from prying eyes.

I have commented on my two Xamarin.Forms bug reports that I opened last March and February on to hopefully get some traction on them since they are supposed to be on track to being fixed. I have a new issue with a WebView that does not display the input field of a chat form at the proper size on iOS. It looks fine on Android but it is really, really tiny on iOS.

I have fixed a couple of nagging issues with the UI that has been bothering me with the prototype. I adjusted the shopping cart feedback icon on the Home View to not half-disappear upon loading the page with items on iOS. It now keeps its wheels above water so to speak LOL. I also adjust the LaunchScreen.Storyboard to increase the size of the iPhone logo so that it is more readable and larger to viewers. I hate working with the XCode Interface Designer but until MS puts something back into Visual Studio I am stuck with it.
