Tag Archives: developer-tools

Tools Rundown: IT-Tools Docker Image!

IT-Tools docker container is a very large suite of one-off tools and utilities that you access via a web interface. It is very easy to get running in Docker via Portainer and it is also very easy to use. I see this as a utility tool for all types of people in the IT field from admins to programmers as it really covers the gamut of tools that it provides.

How to get it going in Docker on my *nix system (this works for Synology as well)

Using Compose here is the basic gist of getting it up and running in Portainer. In Portainer, add a new stack, name it what you will, and then in the editor, paste the following:

version: '3.9'
        image: 'corentinth/it-tools:latest'
        restart: always
            - '5545:80'
        container_name: IT-Tools

Then click on the “Deploy Stack” button and let it do its work. You should get a message that the stack was deployed successfully once it is finished.

I honestly have no idea how to do this in Windows as that demon child of an implementation of Docker is just weird and hard to understand versus the *nix versions.

Accessing IT-Tools

Once the stack is up and running, open your browser and navigate to: http://<ipaddressofdockerhost>:5545

This should open up this page for you.

And that is all there is to it! Just click an option to open it and use it, it’s all web-based. There is literally something that everyone can use quite often in their trade I believe and it definitely worth the 10-15 minutes it takes to get it going. Just bookmark it in your browser and then you have a great go-to tool for those things that you need a converter or other utility for.

You can choose a light or dark mode, as you can see from the screenshot I have it in dark mode. You can favorite utilities and tools as well and it will pin them to the top of the page as well.

I do hope you take a few minutes and try it out. It’s just a well-thought-out app that just ticks all the marks and that is few and far between these days. You rarely come across something like this.


Azure complications with their ninja updates to services behind the scene

Picture uploads were working in November just fine as I had tested them to make sure the changes to the Function script were ok. But when I checked in mid-January it wasn’t working at all. I troubleshot for days to see if it was a configuration error or not but did not find anything out of the ordinary.

After opening a ticket they checked and said the Function server kept rebooting for some reason. Hmm, I said about that as I did not change anything in January when it stopped working. I asked them to check if there was an update to the container OS running the function and get back to me on it.

Well after about 2 weeks they said that my Python module ProtoBuf by google was out of date. So I updated all the required modules in requirements.txt and pushed it to GitHub and after it deployed the Function again and compiled it was running like a champ.

So they had updated the Python version on the image and updated their Function requirements as far as modules as well.

So next time I’m just going to open a ticket and let them tell me what had changed LOL.
