Tag Archives: Uncategorized

Looking ahead!

Azure SSM is nearly complete, just lacking queue support. I plan on doing that in December as there doesn’t seem to be much to it. Also, I’ll be converting it to MAUI since they have really killed Xamarin for good.

In the mean time I have been busy raising funds and working on my next big project. Is gonna be really nice I think.


File Shares Are Done

The SDK is not the best to code against but they’re in the app now and it’s two thirds complete with the finish line coming in December with the final storage component to add.

I’ll be releasing it this week once I get directions and media done for the Share support. So be on the lookout for an update soon.

It will be important with File Shares to read the documentation as nested directories cause certain issues to arise and very specific procedures for dealing with moving and deleting them.


New Update to Azure SSM

I’m rolling out the new update to Azure Simple Storage Manager on Thursday after work. I’ll be using Translate My Lingo to handle the updates to the stores and I am thinking about hosting a Zoom session to go over how it works and how it really can be free to use (once you buy it of course LOL) to do your store translations.

If there is enough interest I’ll do that, if you are interested email me at [email protected]. Once I see how many are interested I’ll send out the Zoom meeting details.

It should take about 45 minutes to an hour because the Apple Store update is so different from the Google store.


Six Months Free Translate My Lingo 50 Copies

It’s First Come, First Serve, but be courteous to others! 50 Free Copies that are good for 6 months of use! That’s a lot of translation going on for that much time…

Well, here is the Universal URL for the free copies:


If you just need the promo code, here ya go:


Good luck and don’t forget to read the directions and you can always ask me for help. I’ll be glad to!
