Tag Archives: language-difficulties-in-autism

The Power of Perception Part Two: The Frustration of Autistic Individuals Who Use Literal Language When Speaking

Communication is one of the most important aspects of human interaction. It is how we connect, exchange information, and understand one another. However, communication can also be a source of frustration, especially for individuals on the spectrum. Autistic individuals often use literal language when speaking, but neurotypical individuals have a tendency to misinterpret it in a way that creates a negative feedback loop. In this blog post, we will discuss this frustration in detail and explore actionable insights for improving communication between autistic and neurotypical individuals.

Literal language vs. Figurative Language

Literal language refers to words that are used in their most basic and straightforward meaning. Figurative language, on the other hand, refers to words that are used in a non-literal way to create a specific effect or meaning. For example, the phrase “it’s raining cats and dogs” is figurative language that means it is raining heavily, but the words “cats” and “dogs” are not meant to be taken literally.

Autistic individuals often prefer to use literal language in their communication because it is more precise and less open to interpretation. However, neurotypical individuals have a tendency to rely on figurative language in their day-to-day communication. This creates a disconnect between the two groups, leading to frustration and misunderstanding.

Misinterpretation and Generalization

When neurotypical individuals encounter literal language from autistic individuals, they have a tendency to generalize it. Generalization refers to taking a specific instance or example and applying it to an entire group or situation. In the case of literal language, neurotypical individuals may assume that all autistic individuals communicate in a literal way, which is not necessarily true.

For example, if an autistic individual says “I’m going to the store,” a neurotypical individual may ask “Oh, are you flying or driving?” assuming that the individual meant a long distance. However, the autistic individual may have just meant that they were walking to the store, leading to confusion and frustration.

The Negative Feedback Loop

Misinterpretation and generalization lead to a negative feedback loop between autistic and neurotypical individuals. The loop begins with the autistic individual using literal language, which is then misinterpreted by the neurotypical individual. The neurotypical individual then returns the misinterpretation to the autistic individual, who then becomes frustrated and feels misunderstood. This negative feedback loop can lead to breakdowns in communication and contribute to social isolation for autistic individuals.

Actionable Insights for Improving Communication

Improving communication between autistic and neurotypical individuals requires a willingness to learn and adapt. Here are some actionable insights for improving communication:

1. Educate yourself on autism and communication differences

Neurotypical individuals can benefit from learning more about autism and the differences in communication styles. This can help to reduce misunderstandings and frustration. There are many resources available online and in books that can provide valuable insights into autism and communication.

2. Clarify and ask questions

When speaking with someone on the spectrum, it is important to clarify and ask questions to ensure that you understand what they are saying. This can help to avoid misinterpretation and generalization. It is also important to be patient and allow time for the individual to process and respond.

3. Use visual aids and concrete examples

Autistic individuals often respond well to visual aids and concrete examples. This can help to make communication more precise and reduce the potential for misunderstandings. For example, if you are discussing a specific location, showing a map or a picture can help to clarify the conversation.

Case Study: Amanda Gorman

Amanda Gorman, the poet who performed at the 2021 presidential inauguration, has publicly discussed her experience with being on the autism spectrum. She has also spoken about how she uses her love of language to communicate and connect with others. Gorman’s success and visibility can help to raise awareness about autism and the importance of accommodating different communication styles.

Improving communication between autistic and neurotypical individuals requires a willingness to learn and adapt. Neurotypical individuals can educate themselves about autism and communication differences, clarify and ask questions, and use visual aids and concrete examples to help make communication more precise. By working together, we can break the negative feedback loop and create a more inclusive society.


Empowering Speech Development: The Impact of Interest-Based Conversations on Autism Spectrum

I am a talker now, but I wasn’t always one. I used to live in a world of silence, a world where words were a puzzle I couldn’t solve. I was diagnosed with autism at a young age, and like many on the spectrum, I struggled with verbal communication. However, through the unwavering efforts of my mother, a woman of exceptional patience and boundless creativity, I discovered a gateway to language. She ingeniously utilized the unassuming act of getting a haircut as a catalyst to unlock the dormant words within me. Thus, this poignant narrative chronicles my personal journey — a testament to the profound metamorphosis that can be achieved through genuine conversation — and serves as a beacon of hope for those who may find themselves embarking on a similar path.

Chapter 1: The Early Years

Growing up, my world was a quiet one. It was a serene realm where solitude and tranquility enveloped me. Within this sheltered domain, I found solace and contentment in the company of machines, far surpassing my ease in the presence of fellow humans. The inexplicable allure of gadgets and gizmos held me captive, captivating my senses and igniting a flame within my soul. My every being came alive as I delved into the intricate workings of a broken radio, witnessing its rebirth through my skilled hands. And oh, the wonders that awaited me as I delved into the abyss of space exploration, my eyes gleaming with an insatiable curiosity. It was through these selfless endeavors that my dear mother, with her ever-watchful eyes, perceived the essence of my being. She discerned that my apparent silence was not born out of disinterest or intellectual deficiency, but rather an arduous struggle to articulate the profound thoughts and emotions that reverberated within me. In her wisdom, she recognized the depth and complexity that lay hidden beneath my quiet exterior, and embraced me with unwavering support and understanding.

Chapter 2: The Unlikely Therapist

Enter Mrs. Barnett, the local hairdresser. She was a warm, friendly woman with a knack for making people feel at ease. Not only was she skilled with a pair of scissors, but also had a genuine passion for understanding her clients. My mother, in a stroke of genius, decided to utilize my regular hair appointments as an opportunity for meaningful conversations. Recognizing my keen interest in technology, she paid Mrs. Barnett for additional time and kindly requested her to engage with me in discussions pertaining to this subject matter. As I sat in the chair, eagerly sharing my knowledge and insights, Mrs. Barnett attentively listened, prompting me with insightful questions that encouraged my thoughts to flow freely. It was an experience that not only resulted in impeccable haircuts but also fostered a deep sense of connection and personal growth.

Chapter 3: The Power of Interest-Based Conversation

The first few sessions were rather quiet, with Mrs. Barnett primarily engaging in conversation. However, gradually, as she inquired about the latest space mission or sought to understand the intricacies of a computer, I found myself becoming more responsive. There arose within me a desire to rectify any factual errors she made or offer additional information when she displayed interest. These conversations were never centered around me personally, but rather focused on a subject I held dear. It was this very aspect that made my active participation more enjoyable.

Chapter 4: The Journey to Speech

Over the years, these haircut sessions became a cherished routine. Mrs. Barnett would ask about the latest technological advancements, and I would explain them to her in detail. These conversations not only helped me develop my vocabulary, my ability to express complex ideas, and my confidence in speaking, but also played a significant role in shaping my understanding and appreciation for the world around me. In addition, they taught me the art of active listening, of truly empathizing with and understanding another person’s perspective, and of responding in a thoughtful and appropriate manner. Through these exchanges, I learned the power of effective communication and the importance of fostering meaningful connections with others.

Chapter 5: The Handover

After 20 years of being my conversational partner, Mrs. Barnett decided to retire. But she didn’t leave me high and dry. She handpicked her replacement, a young woman named Lucy, who shared her patience and curiosity. Lucy continued the tradition of our tech-based conversations, helping me to further refine my communication skills. My interactions with Mrs. Barnett were treasured and invaluable, and her absence was deeply felt. However, the arrival of Lucy injected a newfound enthusiasm into our discussions. Her fresh perspective and passion for technology brought a renewed energy to our exchanges. With her guidance, my communication skills blossomed even further, paving the way for greater growth and learning. The transition from Mrs. Barnett to Lucy was seamless, as if the baton had been smoothly passed from one expert to another. I am eternally grateful to both Mrs. Barnett and Lucy for their dedication in helping me navigate the intricacies of conversation. Their contributions have left an indelible mark on my life, and I will always cherish the insightful and enlightening discussions we shared.

Chapter 6: The Impact on My Life

Today, I am a talker. I can hold conversations on a variety of topics, not just technology. I can express my thoughts and feelings, understand others, and navigate the social world with relative ease. All thanks to a simple haircut and the power of conversation. Currently, as a proficient communicator, I possess the ability to engage in discussions spanning a wide range of subjects, extending beyond the realm of technology. I effortlessly articulate my ideas and emotions, comprehend the perspectives of others, and adeptly maneuver through the intricacies of social interactions. This remarkable skillset has been cultivated through the transformative influence of a mere haircut and the profound potency of dialogue. Through these means, I have attained an enhanced aptitude for meaningful communication and interpersonal connectivity.

Conclusion: A Message to Others

If you are a parent, a teacher, or a friend of someone on the autism spectrum, consider this approach. Find something they are passionate about and use it as a springboard for conversation. It doesn’t have to be a haircut; it could be during a walk in the park, a car ride, or while cooking dinner. The key is to create a safe, comfortable environment where they can express themselves without fear of judgment or failure.
