Category Archives: software-developement

Software Developement

Micropython – Adjusting for Daylight Savings and Updating the RTC of the SBC

So you are using ‘ntptime.settime()’ in Micropython to update the time in your script for whatever purpose you are using it for and you want to adjust for Daylight Savings.  Micropython doesn’t support in the ntptime module handling that automatically, so here is a short work around to adjust the time appropriately for your RTC.

Here’s my time sync function that I use, it’s pretty self explanatory as far as the code.  Adjust it to your needs as you see fit.

# Connect to wifi and synchronize the RTC time from NTP
def sync_time():
    global cset, year, month, day, wd, hour, minute, second

    # Reset the RTC time, reset if not
        rtc.datetime((2023, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))  # Reset to a known good time
        year, month, day, wd, hour, minute, second, _ = rtc.datetime()
        if not all(isinstance(x, int) for x in [year, month, day, wd, hour, minute, second]):
            raise ValueError("Invalid time values in RTC")
    except (ValueError, OSError) as e:
        print(f"RTC reset required: {e}")
        rtc.datetime((2023, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))  # Reset to a known good time
        year, month, day, wd, hour, minute, second, _ = rtc.datetime()
    if not net:
    if net:
            print("Time set")
            cset = True
        except OSError as e:
            print(f'Exception setting time {e}')
            cset = False
        # Get the current time in UTC
    y, mnth, d, h, m, s, wkd, yearday = time.localtime()

    # Create a time tuple for January 1st of the current year (standard time)
    jan_1st = (year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    # Create a time tuple for July 1st of the current year (daylight saving time, if applicable)
    jul_1st = (year, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    # Determine if daylight saving time (CDT) is in effect
    is_dst = time.localtime(time.mktime(jul_1st))[3] != time.localtime(time.mktime(jan_1st))[3]

    # Set the appropriate UTC offset
    utc_offset = -5  # CST

    if is_dst:
        utc_offset = -6  # CDT
    hour = (h + utc_offset) % 24

    # If hour became 0 after modulo, it means we crossed into the previous day
    if hour == 0 and h + utc_offset < 0:
        # Decrement the day, handling month/year transitions if necessary
        d -= 1
        if d == 0:
            mnth -= 1
            if mnth == 0:
                y -= 1
                mnth = 12
            # Adjust for the number of days in the previous month
            d = 31  # Start with the assumption of 31 days
            if mnth in [4, 6, 9, 11]:
                d = 30
            elif mnth == 2:
                d = 29 if (y % 4 == 0 and (y % 100 != 0 or y % 400 == 0)) else 28

    # Check all values before setting RTC
    if not (1 <= mnth <= 12 and 1 <= d <= 31 and 0 <= wkd <= 6 and 0 <= hour <= 23 and 0 <= m <= 59 and 0 <= s <= 59):
        print(f'Month: {mnth}, Day: {d}, WkDay: {wkd}, Hour: {hour}, Minute: {m}, Second: {s}')
        print("Invalid time values detected, skipping RTC update")
            rtc.datetime((y, mnth, d, wkd, hour, m, s, 0))
        except Exception as e:
            print(f'Exception setting time: {e}')

    print("Time set in sync_time function!")

That’s it, pretty simple, just clear the RTC and grab the time from NTP and then adjust for the time zone offset and then do the final adjustment for DST or not.


Jellyfin Video Playlist Generator – Uses Spotify API

This is my custom python script that uses the Spotify API to create unique video playlists for my downloaded Youtube videos by Genre.  It queries Spotify using the Video title and grabs, if Spotify returns any genres at all, the most likely genre available and then creates a hash table entry for that song under the genre.  Once it is done adding all the videos to the hash table by genre it will parse it and then any genre that has less than 15 video in it will be moved to a catch all playlist.  This is done so that you don’t end up with over 650 playlists.  Why would that many playlists be created?  Because Spotify generally has a song listed under about 4 to 8 genres, I mean Christian Death Metal?  Come on, please…

Once it is done it will create the XML files and move them under the Jellfyfin servers library directory into their own sub-directories and then attempt to do a server restart.  If the new playlists do not show up, you may have to rescan your Jellyfin library to get them to appear.  There may be a web hook for that but if you want to extend the script to curl that then go right ahead.

But you can grab the script from my Github repo here: Jellyfin Video Playlist Creator


The Novel Use of TCP RST to Nullify Malicious Traffic On Networks As An Intermediate Step In Threat Prevention And Detection


In the ever-evolving landscape of network security, the ability to quickly and effectively mitigate threats is paramount. Traditional intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) are essential tools, but there remains a need for innovative solutions that can act as an intermediary step in threat detection and prevention. This article explores a novel approach: utilizing TCP RST packets to nullify malicious traffic on networks.

The proposed solution involves a pseudo IDPS-like device that leverages a database of TCP/UDP payload, header, and source IP signatures to identify malicious traffic on an internal network. By utilizing the libpcap library, this device operates in promiscuous mode, connected to a supervisor port on a core switch. Upon detecting a signature, the device sends TCP RST packets to both the source and destination, masking its MAC address to conceal its presence as a threat prevention device. This immediate response prevents communication between malicious hosts and vulnerable devices, buying crucial time for system administrators to address the threat.

This approach offers a novel method of using TCP RST packets not just to disrupt unwanted connections, but as a proactive measure in network security. By exploring the technical implementation, potential challenges, and future advancements in machine learning integration, this article aims to educate network security administrators and CISOs while also seeking support for further development of this innovative concept.

Understanding TCP RST Packets

Definition and Function of TCP RST Packets

TCP Reset (RST) packets are a fundamental part of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). They are used to abruptly terminate a TCP connection, signaling that the connection should be immediately closed. Typically, a TCP RST packet is sent when a system receives a TCP segment that it cannot associate with an existing connection, indicating an error or unexpected event.

In standard network operations, TCP RST packets play several roles:

  • Error Handling: Informing the sender that a port is closed or that the data cannot be processed.
  • Connection Teardown: Quickly closing connections in certain situations, such as when a server is under heavy load.
  • Security Measures: Preventing unauthorized access by terminating suspicious connections.

Novel Use in Threat Prevention

While TCP RST packets are traditionally used for error handling and connection management, they can also serve as an effective tool in threat prevention. By strategically sending TCP RST packets, a device can disrupt communication between malicious actors and their targets on a network. This method provides an immediate response to detected threats, allowing time for more comprehensive security measures to be enacted.

In the context of our proposed network sentry device, TCP RST packets serve as a rapid intervention mechanism. Upon detecting a signature of malicious traffic, the device sends TCP RST packets to both the source and destination of the connection. This action not only halts the malicious activity but also obscures the presence of the sentry device by modifying packet headers to match the original communication endpoints.

Conceptualizing the Network Sentry Device

Overview of the Pseudo IDPS Concept

The pseudo IDPS device operates as an intermediary threat prevention tool within a network. It functions by continuously monitoring network traffic for signatures of known malicious activity. Leveraging the libpcap library, the device is placed in promiscuous mode, allowing it to capture and analyze all network packets passing through the supervisor port of a core switch.

How the Device Operates Within a Network

  1. Traffic Monitoring: The device captures all network traffic in real-time.
  2. Signature Detection: It analyzes the captured traffic against a database of signatures, including TCP/UDP payloads, headers, and source IP addresses.
  3. Threat Response: Upon detecting a malicious signature, the device immediately sends TCP RST packets to both the source and destination, terminating the connection.
  4. MAC Address Masking: To conceal its presence, the device modifies the TCP RST packets to use the MAC addresses of the original communication endpoints.
  5. Alerting Administrators: The device alerts system administrators to the detected threat, providing them with the information needed to address the issue.

This approach ensures that malicious communication is promptly disrupted, reducing the risk of data theft, remote code execution exploits, and other network attacks.

The Role of the libpcap Library

The libpcap library is an essential component of the network sentry device. It provides the functionality needed to capture and analyze network packets in real-time. By placing the device in promiscuous mode, libpcap allows it to monitor all network traffic passing through the supervisor port, ensuring comprehensive threat detection.

Technical Implementation

The technical implementation of the network sentry device involves several key steps: placing the device in promiscuous mode, detecting malicious traffic using signatures, sending TCP RST packets to both the source and destination, and masking the MAC addresses to conceal the device. This section will provide detailed explanations and example Python code for each step.

Placing the Device in Promiscuous Mode

To monitor all network traffic, the device must be placed in promiscuous mode. This mode allows the device to capture all packets on the network segment, regardless of their destination.

Example Code: Placing the Device in Promiscuous Mode

Using the pypcap library in Python, we can place the device in promiscuous mode and capture packets:

import pcap

# Open a network device for capturing
device = 'eth0'  # Replace with your network interface
pcap_obj = pcap.pcap(device)

# Set the device to promiscuous mode

# Function to process captured packets
def packet_handler(pktlen, data, timestamp):
    if not data:
    # Process the captured packet (example)
    print(f'Packet: {data}')

# Capture packets in an infinite loop
pcap_obj.loop(0, packet_handler)

In this example, eth0 is the network interface to be monitored. The pcap.pcap object opens the device, and setfilter('') sets it to promiscuous mode. The packet_handler function processes captured packets, which can be further analyzed for malicious signatures.

Signature-Based Detection of Malicious Traffic

To detect malicious traffic, we need a database of signatures that include TCP/UDP payloads, headers, and source IP addresses. When a packet matches a signature, it is considered malicious.

Example Code: Detecting Malicious Traffic

import struct

# Sample signature database (simplified)
signatures = {
    'malicious_payload': b'\x90\x90\x90',  # Example payload signature
    'malicious_ip': '',       # Example source IP signature

def check_signature(data):
    # Check for malicious payload
    if signatures['malicious_payload'] in data:
        return True

    # Extract source IP address from IP header
    ip_header = data[14:34]
    src_ip = struct.unpack('!4s', ip_header[12:16])[0]
    src_ip_str = '.'.join(map(str, src_ip))

    # Check for malicious IP address
    if src_ip_str == signatures['malicious_ip']:
        return True

    return False

# Modified packet_handler function
def packet_handler(pktlen, data, timestamp):
    if not data:
    if check_signature(data):
        print(f'Malicious packet detected: {data}')
        # Further action (e.g., send TCP RST) will be taken here

pcap_obj.loop(0, packet_handler)

This example checks for a specific payload and source IP address. The check_signature function analyzes the packet data to determine if it matches any known malicious signatures.

Sending TCP RST Packets

When a malicious packet is detected, the device sends TCP RST packets to both the source and destination to terminate the connection.

Example Code: Sending TCP RST Packets

To send TCP RST packets, we can use the scapy library in Python:

from scapy.all import *

def send_rst(src_ip, dst_ip, src_port, dst_port):
    ip_layer = IP(src=src_ip, dst=dst_ip)
    tcp_layer = TCP(sport=src_port, dport=dst_port, flags='R')
    rst_packet = ip_layer/tcp_layer
    send(rst_packet, verbose=False)

# Example usage
send_rst('', '', 12345, 80)
send_rst('', '', 80, 12345)

In this example, send_rst constructs and sends a TCP RST packet using the source and destination IP addresses and ports. The flags='R' parameter sets the TCP flag to RST.

Masking the MAC Address to Conceal the Device

To conceal the device’s presence, we modify the MAC address in the TCP RST packets to match the original communication endpoints.

Example Code: Masking the MAC Address

def send_masked_rst(src_ip, dst_ip, src_port, dst_port, src_mac, dst_mac):
    ip_layer = IP(src=src_ip, dst=dst_ip)
    tcp_layer = TCP(sport=src_port, dport=dst_port, flags='R')
    ether_layer = Ether(src=src_mac, dst=dst_mac)
    rst_packet = ether_layer/ip_layer/tcp_layer
    sendp(rst_packet, verbose=False)

# Example usage with masked MAC addresses
send_masked_rst('', '192.168

.1.200', 12345, 80, '00:11:22:33:44:55', '66:77:88:99:aa:bb')
send_masked_rst('', '', 80, 12345, '66:77:88:99:aa:bb', '00:11:22:33:44:55')

In this example, send_masked_rst constructs and sends a TCP RST packet with the specified MAC addresses. The Ether layer from the scapy library is used to set the source and destination MAC addresses.

Advanced Features and Machine Learning Integration

To enhance the capabilities of the network sentry device, we can integrate machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to dynamically learn and adapt to network behavior. This section will discuss the potential for ML integration and provide an example of how ML models can be used to detect anomalies.

Using ML and AI to Enhance the Device

By incorporating ML algorithms, the device can learn the normal patterns of network traffic and identify deviations that may indicate malicious activity. This approach allows for the detection of previously unknown threats and reduces reliance on static signature databases.

Example Code: Integrating ML for Anomaly Detection

Using the scikit-learn library in Python, we can train a simple ML model to detect anomalies:

from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest
import numpy as np

# Generate sample training data (normal network traffic)
training_data = np.random.rand(1000, 10)  # Example data

# Train an Isolation Forest model
model = IsolationForest(contamination=0.01)

def detect_anomaly(data):
    # Convert packet data to feature vector (example)
    feature_vector = np.random.rand(1, 10)  # Example feature extraction
    prediction = model.predict(feature_vector)
    return prediction[0] == -1

# Modified packet_handler function with anomaly detection
def packet_handler(pktlen, data, timestamp):
    if not data:
    if check_signature(data) or detect_anomaly(data):
        print(f'Malicious packet detected: {data}')
        # Further action (e.g., send TCP RST) will be taken here

pcap_obj.loop(0, packet_handler)

In this example, an Isolation Forest model is trained on normal network traffic data. The detect_anomaly function uses the trained model to predict whether a packet is anomalous. This method enhances the detection capabilities of the device by identifying unusual patterns in network traffic.

Caveats and Challenges

The implementation of a network sentry device using TCP RST packets for intermediate threat prevention is a novel concept with significant potential. However, it comes with its own set of challenges that need to be addressed to ensure effective and reliable operation. Here, we delve deeper into the specific challenges faced and the strategies to mitigate them.

1. Developing and Maintaining a Signature Database

Challenge: The creation and upkeep of an extensive database of malicious signatures is a fundamental requirement for the device’s functionality. This database must include various types of signatures, such as specific TCP/UDP payload patterns, header anomalies, and source IP addresses known for malicious activity. Given the dynamic nature of cyber threats, this database requires constant updating to include new and emerging threats.


  • Volume of Data: The sheer volume of network traffic and the diversity of potential threats necessitate a large and diverse signature database.
  • Dynamic Threat Landscape: New vulnerabilities and attack vectors are continually being discovered, requiring frequent updates to the database.
  • Resource Intensive: The process of analyzing new malware samples, creating signatures, and validating them is resource-intensive, requiring specialized skills and significant time investment.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Automation: Employing automation tools to streamline the process of malware analysis and signature creation can help manage the workload.
  • Threat Intelligence Feeds: Integrating third-party threat intelligence feeds can provide real-time updates on new threats, aiding in the rapid update of the signature database.
  • Community Collaboration: Leveraging a collaborative approach with other organizations and security communities can help share insights and signatures, enhancing the comprehensiveness of the database.
  • Use-Once Analysis: Implement a use-once strategy for traffic analysis. By utilizing short-term memory to analyze packets and discarding them once analyzed, storage needs are significantly reduced. Only “curious” traffic that meets specific criteria should be stored for further human examination. This approach minimizes the volume of packets needing long-term storage and focuses resources on potentially significant threats.

2. Potential Issues and Limitations

Challenge: The deployment of the network sentry device may encounter several issues and limitations, such as false positives, evasion techniques by attackers, and the handling of encrypted traffic.


  • False Positives: Incorrectly identifying legitimate traffic as malicious can disrupt normal network operations, leading to potential downtime and user frustration.
  • Evasion Techniques: Sophisticated attackers may use techniques such as encryption, polymorphic payloads, and traffic obfuscation to evade detection.
  • Encrypted Traffic: With the increasing adoption of encryption protocols like TLS, analyzing payloads for signatures becomes challenging, limiting the device’s ability to detect certain types of malicious traffic.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Machine Learning Integration: Implementing machine learning models for anomaly detection can complement signature-based detection and reduce false positives by learning the normal behavior of network traffic.
  • Deep Packet Inspection (DPI): Utilizing DPI techniques, where legally and technically feasible, can help analyze encrypted traffic by inspecting packet headers and metadata.
  • Heuristic Analysis: Incorporating heuristic analysis methods to identify suspicious behavior patterns that may indicate malicious activity, even if the payload is encrypted or obfuscated.

3. Scalability and Performance

Challenge: Ensuring that the network sentry device can handle high volumes of traffic without introducing latency or performance bottlenecks is crucial for its successful deployment in large-scale networks.


  • High Traffic Volumes: Enterprise networks can generate immense amounts of data, and the device must process this data in real-time to be effective.
  • Performance Overhead: The additional processing required for capturing, analyzing, and responding to network traffic can introduce latency and affect network performance.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Efficient Algorithms: Developing and implementing highly efficient algorithms for traffic analysis and signature matching can minimize processing overhead.
  • Hardware Acceleration: Utilizing hardware acceleration technologies such as FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays) or specialized network processing units (NPUs) can enhance the device’s processing capabilities.
  • Distributed Deployment: Deploying multiple devices across different network segments can distribute the load and improve overall performance and scalability.

4. Privacy and Legal Considerations

Challenge: The deployment of a network sentry device must comply with privacy laws and regulations, ensuring that the monitoring and analysis of network traffic do not infringe on user privacy rights.


  • Data Privacy: Monitoring network traffic involves capturing potentially sensitive data, raising concerns about user privacy.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Organizations must ensure that their use of network monitoring tools complies with relevant laws and regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Anonymization Techniques: Implementing data anonymization techniques to strip personally identifiable information (PII) from captured packets can help protect user privacy.
  • Legal Consultation: Consulting with legal experts to ensure that the deployment and operation of the device comply with applicable laws and regulations.
  • Transparency: Maintaining transparency with network users about the use of monitoring tools and the measures taken to protect their privacy.


The novel use of TCP RST packets to nullify malicious traffic on networks presents a promising approach to intermediate threat prevention. By leveraging a pseudo IDPS-like device that utilizes the libpcap library, network security administrators can effectively disrupt malicious communication and protect their networks.

The integration of machine learning further enhances the capabilities of this device, enabling it to adapt to new threats and proactively prevent attacks. While there are challenges in developing and maintaining such a system, the potential benefits in terms of improved network security and reduced risk make it a worthwhile endeavor.

I invite potential financial backers, CISOs, and security administrators to support the development of this innovative solution. Together, we can enhance network security and protect critical infrastructure from evolving threats.


Building Resilient Applications: Python Error Handling Strategies

From “Oops” to “Oh Yeah!”: Building Resilient, User-Friendly Python Code

Errors are inevitable in any programming language, and Python is no exception. However, mastering how to anticipate, manage, and recover from these errors gracefully is what distinguishes a robust application from one that crashes unexpectedly.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll journey through the levels of error handling in Python, equipping you with the skills to build code that not only works but works well, even when things go wrong.

Why Bother with Error Handling?

Think of your Python scripts like a well-trained pet. Without proper training (error handling), they might misbehave when faced with unexpected situations, leaving you (and your users) scratching your heads.

Well-handled errors lead to:

  • Stability: Your program doesn’t crash unexpectedly.
  • Better User Experience: Clear error messages guide users on how to fix issues.
  • Easier Debugging: Pinpoint problems faster when you know what went wrong.
  • Maintainability: Cleaner code makes it easier to make updates and changes.

Level 1: The Basics (try...except)

The cornerstone of Python error handling is the try...except block. It’s like putting your code in a safety bubble, protecting it from unexpected mishaps.

    result = 10 / 0  
except ZeroDivisionError:
    print("Division by zero is not allowed.")
  • try: Enclose the code you suspect might raise an exception.
  • except: Specify the type of error you’re catching and provide a way to handle it.


   num1 = int(input("Enter a number: "))
   num2 = int(input("Enter another number: "))
   result = num1 / num2
   print(f"The result of {num1} / {num2} is {result}")
except ZeroDivisionError:
   print("You can't divide by zero!")
except ValueError:
   print("Invalid input. Please enter numbers only.")

Level 2: Specific Errors, Better Messages

Python offers a wide array of built-in exceptions. Catching specific exceptions lets you tailor your error messages.

  with open("nonexistent_file.txt") as file:
    contents =
except FileNotFoundError as e:
    print(f"The file you requested was not found: {e}")

Common Exceptions:

  • IndexError, KeyError, TypeError, ValueError
  • ImportError, AttributeError
   # Some code that might raise multiple exceptions
except (FileNotFoundError, ZeroDivisionError) as e:
   # Handle both errors
   print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

Level 3: Raising Your Own Exceptions
Use the raise keyword to signal unexpected events in your program.

def validate_age(age):
    if age < 0:
        raise ValueError("Age cannot be negative")

Custom Exceptions:

class InvalidAgeError(ValueError):

def validate_age(age):
    if age < 0:
        raise InvalidAgeError("Age cannot be negative")

Level 4: Advanced Error Handling Techniques
Exception Chaining (raise…from): Unraveling the Root Cause

Exception chaining provides a powerful way to trace the origins of errors. In complex systems, one error often triggers another. By chaining exceptions together, you can see the full sequence of events that led to the final error, making debugging much easier.

    num1 = int(input("Enter a number: "))
    num2 = int(input("Enter another number: "))
    result = num1 / num2
except ZeroDivisionError as zero_err:
        # Attempt a recovery operation (e.g., get a new denominator)
        new_num2 = int(input("Please enter a non-zero denominator: "))
        result = num1 / new_num2
    except ValueError as value_err:
        raise ValueError("Invalid input for denominator") from value_err
    except Exception as e:  # Catch any other unexpected exceptions
        raise RuntimeError("An unexpected error occurred during recovery") from e
        print(f"The result after recovery is: {result}")
    # Always close any open resources here

Nested try…except Blocks: Handling Errors Within Error Handlers
In some cases, you might need to handle errors that occur within your error handling code. This is where nested try…except blocks come in handy:

    # Code that might cause an error
except SomeException as e1:
        # Code to handle the first exception, which might itself raise an error
    except AnotherException as e2:
        # Code to handle the second exception

In this structure, the inner try…except block handles exceptions that might arise during the handling of the outer exception. This allows you to create a hierarchy of error handling, ensuring that errors are addressed at the appropriate level.

Custom Exception Classes: Tailoring Exceptions to Your Needs

Python provides a wide range of built-in exceptions, but sometimes you need to create custom exceptions that are specific to your application’s logic. This can help you provide more meaningful error messages and handle errors more effectively.

class InvalidEmailError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, email): = email
        super().__init__(f"Invalid email address: {email}")

In this example, we’ve defined a custom exception class called InvalidEmailError that inherits from the base Exception class. This new exception class can be used to specifically signal errors related to invalid email addresses:

def send_email(email, message):
    if not is_valid_email(email):
        raise InvalidEmailError(email)
    # ... send the email

Logging Errors: Keeping a Record
Use the logging module to record details about errors for later analysis.

import logging

    # Some code that might cause an error
except Exception as e:
    logging.exception("An error occurred")

Tips for Advanced Error Handling

  • Use the Right Tool for the Job: Choose the error handling technique that best fits the situation. Exception chaining is great for complex errors, while nested try...except blocks can handle errors within error handlers.
  • Document Your Error Handling: Provide clear documentation (e.g., comments, docstrings) explaining why specific exceptions are being raised or caught, and how they are handled.
  • Think Defensively: Anticipate potential errors and write code that can gracefully handle them.
  • Prioritize User Experience: Strive to provide clear, informative error messages that guide users on how to fix problems.


Tools Rundown: IT-Tools Docker Image!

IT-Tools docker container is a very large suite of one-off tools and utilities that you access via a web interface. It is very easy to get running in Docker via Portainer and it is also very easy to use. I see this as a utility tool for all types of people in the IT field from admins to programmers as it really covers the gamut of tools that it provides.

How to get it going in Docker on my *nix system (this works for Synology as well)

Using Compose here is the basic gist of getting it up and running in Portainer. In Portainer, add a new stack, name it what you will, and then in the editor, paste the following:

version: '3.9'
        image: 'corentinth/it-tools:latest'
        restart: always
            - '5545:80'
        container_name: IT-Tools

Then click on the “Deploy Stack” button and let it do its work. You should get a message that the stack was deployed successfully once it is finished.

I honestly have no idea how to do this in Windows as that demon child of an implementation of Docker is just weird and hard to understand versus the *nix versions.

Accessing IT-Tools

Once the stack is up and running, open your browser and navigate to: http://<ipaddressofdockerhost>:5545

This should open up this page for you.

And that is all there is to it! Just click an option to open it and use it, it’s all web-based. There is literally something that everyone can use quite often in their trade I believe and it definitely worth the 10-15 minutes it takes to get it going. Just bookmark it in your browser and then you have a great go-to tool for those things that you need a converter or other utility for.

You can choose a light or dark mode, as you can see from the screenshot I have it in dark mode. You can favorite utilities and tools as well and it will pin them to the top of the page as well.

I do hope you take a few minutes and try it out. It’s just a well-thought-out app that just ticks all the marks and that is few and far between these days. You rarely come across something like this.


New projects: Web-Based Image Manipulators

What is it and where is it…

If you’re looking for straightforward tools to manipulate your images without the need for sophisticated software, you might want to look into a few scripts I developed. They are written in PHP and HTML5 with a lot of JS, and they are all widely used for server-side scripting. The functionality of these scripts allows users to perform basic image manipulations such as resizing and rotating images, cropping and format conversion.

Being compatible with the most common image formats like BMP, PNG, and JPG, it ensures that the largest audience can utilize its features without compatibility issues. The user interface is designed to be very easy to use, even for those who may not have extensive technical skills. This makes it suitable for anyone needing quick image adjustments without the need for detailed knowledge of image editing.

To make it accessible to everyone, I’ve hosted this script online where you can easily find it. To get started with adjusting your images, you just need to visit the following links: Resize, Crop, Convert. Here, you can upload your images and choose the desired operation – whether you want to change its size, alter its orientation, change format or whatever. These tools are learning tools and demonstrate the basics of PHP and HTML5 for simple but complex tasks. Now they may not operate the way you want but don’t abuse them or they won’t work at all. They are behind a cloudflare tunnel so there is a maximum file size limit so don’t try to convert a bunch or a large image.

Moreover, owing to their simplicity and ease of use, it’s an excellent solution for everyday image processing tasks. Whether you’re running a blog, managing a website, or even just looking to adjust some images for personal use, these PHP and HTML5 scripts aim to provide a no-fuss solution and demonstrate to you how simple things can be helpful and easy to make for one off projects. I will be uploading the code one day when I get it cleaned up and documented here:


Adding a Chart to Your Xamarin.Forms App Using Syncfusion’s Chart Control

Are you looking to add a visually appealing and interactive chart to your Xamarin.Forms mobile app? Look no further! In this blog post, we’ll provide you with a quick rundown on how to integrate Syncfusion’s Chart Control into your Xamarin.Forms app. With code examples and step-by-step instructions, we’ll show you how to add some pop to your mobile apps!

Why Use Syncfusion’s Chart Control?

Syncfusion’s Chart Control is a powerful and feature-rich library that allows you to create stunning charts in your Xamarin.Forms app. It offers a wide range of chart types, including line charts, bar charts, pie charts, and more. With its easy-to-use API and customizable options, you can create visually appealing and interactive charts that enhance the user experience of your app.

Getting Started

Before we dive into the code, let’s make sure you have everything set up:

  1. Install Syncfusion’s NuGet Packages: Open your Xamarin.Forms project in Visual Studio and install the Syncfusion.Xamarin.DataVisualization package from the NuGet Package Manager.
  2. Add Syncfusion’s Licensing: To use Syncfusion’s Chart Control, you’ll need to add the Syncfusion licensing code to your Xamarin.Forms app. You can obtain a free community license from Syncfusion’s website.

Creating a Simple Chart

Now that you have everything set up, let’s create a simple chart in your Xamarin.Forms app.

  1. Add the Chart Control Namespace: Open your XAML file and add the Syncfusion namespace to the XAML page:
  1. Create a Chart: Add the following XAML code to create a simple line chart:
       <chart:LineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" XBindingPath="Category" YBindingPath="Value"></chart:LineSeries>
  1. Provide Data: In your ViewModel, create a collection of data and bind it to the chart:
   public class ViewModel
       public ObservableCollection<DataModel> Data { get; set; }

       public ViewModel()
           Data = new ObservableCollection<DataModel>
               new DataModel { Category = "Category 1", Value = 10 },
               new DataModel { Category = "Category 2", Value = 20 },
               new DataModel { Category = "Category 3", Value = 30 },
               // Add more data points as required

   public class DataModel
       public string Category { get; set; }
       public double Value { get; set; }
  1. Assign the ViewModel: In your XAML page, assign the ViewModel as the BindingContext:
       <local:ViewModel />
  1. Build and Run: Build and run your Xamarin.Forms app, and you should see the chart with the provided data.

Congratulations! You have successfully added a simple chart using Syncfusion’s Chart Control to your Xamarin.Forms app. Now let’s explore some advanced features.

Customizing the Chart

Syncfusion’s Chart Control offers a wide range of customization options to make your charts visually appealing and aligned with your app’s design. Here are some examples:

  1. Changing Chart Type: Experiment with different chart types by replacing the <chart:LineSeries> tag with <chart:BarSeries>, <chart:PieSeries>, or other available options.
  2. Styling the Chart: You can customize the appearance of the chart by modifying various properties such as colors, fonts, and axis labels. For instance, to change the color of the line series, you can add the following code snippet:
   <chart:LineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" XBindingPath="Category" YBindingPath="Value">
  1. Adding Tooltip: Enhance the interactivity of your chart by adding tooltips. Simply update your XAML code to include the following snippet:
   <chart:LineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" XBindingPath="Category" YBindingPath="Value">
           <OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:Boolean">
               <On Platform="iOS">True</On>
               <On Platform="Android">True</On>

These are just a few examples of how you can customize your charts using Syncfusion’s Chart Control. Feel free to explore the extensive documentation and play around with other available options to create charts that perfectly match your app’s requirements.

I hoped to provide you with a quick rundown on how to add a chart to your Xamarin.Forms app using Syncfusion’s Chart Control. We covered the installation process, basic chart creation, and customization options. By following these steps and experimenting with different chart types and styles, you can add some pop to your mobile apps and provide your users with visually appealing and interactive data visualization.

Syncfusion’s Chart Control, with its extensive feature set and flexibility, makes it a top choice for charting in Xamarin.Forms. So go ahead and leverage the power of Syncfusion to create amazing charts in your mobile apps!

Advanced String Handling with StringBuilder: Overview, Examples, and More!

In the world of programming, string manipulation is a fundamental skill. Whether you are building a website, developing a mobile app, or creating software, the ability to efficiently handle and manipulate strings is crucial. One powerful tool that can greatly simplify string manipulation is the StringBuilder class in C#. In this blog post, we will explore the ins and outs of advanced string handling with StringBuilder, providing you with valuable insights and actionable examples. So let’s dive in!

1. Introduction to StringBuilder

StringBuilder is a class in C# that provides a mutable string of characters. Unlike the string class, which is immutable (meaning that once it is created, it cannot be modified), StringBuilder allows you to modify the contents of a string without creating a new object. This can greatly improve performance and memory usage, especially when dealing with large strings or frequent string manipulations.

The StringBuilder class has various useful methods for string manipulation, such as Insert, Append, Replace, and Remove, which enable you to perform insert, append, replace, and remove operations on a string efficiently.

In addition, StringBuilder also provides a property called Capacity, which allows you to control the internal size of the string. As you add characters to the string, StringBuilder will automatically increase its capacity if necessary to accommodate the new characters. This avoids unnecessary reallocation and memory copying, which can have a significant impact on the efficiency of string manipulation.

The StringBuilder class is a powerful and efficient tool for string manipulation in C#, allowing you to flexibly and efficiently modify the content of a string without creating new objects. Its use can help improve the performance and efficiency of your code when working with frequent manipulations or long strings.

2. Creating a StringBuilder Instance

You can start working with the StringBuilder class by creating an instance of it. Here is an example of how to do it in Java:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

Once you have created a StringBuilder object, you can use various methods to modify its content. For instance, you can append new text to it using the append() method:

sb.append(" ");

You can also insert text at specific positions using the insert() method:

sb.insert(6, "there ");

The above code would insert the text “there ” at index 6 in the StringBuilder object, resulting in “Hello there World!”.

To replace text within the StringBuilder, you can use the replace() method:

sb.replace(6, 11, "everyone");

In the code above, the text from index 6 to 11 in the StringBuilder object would be replaced with “everyone”, resulting in “Hello everyone World!”.

To delete text from the StringBuilder, you can use the delete() method:

sb.delete(6, 15);

The above code would delete the text from index 6 to 15 in the StringBuilder object, resulting in “Hello World!”.

Remember to convert the StringBuilder object to a string when you want to use its final content:

String result = sb.toString();

You can now use the result string in your code as needed. The StringBuilder class provides efficient string manipulation capabilities when you need to modify strings multiple times without creating new string objects.

You can also initialize a StringBuilder instance with an existing string:

StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("Hello, World!");

3. Appending and Modifying Strings

One of the primary features of StringBuilder is the ability to append and modify strings. Let’s explore some common methods for this:


The Append() method is used to add a string (or any other type) to the end of an existing string in the StringBuilder object. Here’s an example:

StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("Hello, ");


The Insert() method is used to insert a string (or any other type) at a specified index in the StringBuilder object. Here’s an example:

StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("Hello, !");
stringBuilder.Insert(7, "World");


The Remove() method is used to delete a specified number of characters from a specified index in the StringBuilder object. Here’s an example:

StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("Hello, World!");
stringBuilder.Remove(7, 7);


The Replace() method is used to replace a specified substring with another string in the StringBuilder object. Here’s an example:

StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("Hello, World!");
stringBuilder.Replace("Hello", "Hi");

Other Useful Methods

StringBuilder also provides several other useful methods for string manipulation, such as Clear(), AppendFormat(), AppendLine(), ToString(), and more. These methods can streamline your string-handling code and make it more readable.

4. Performance Considerations

As mentioned earlier, StringBuilder offers better performance and memory usage compared to string concatenation when dealing with large strings or frequent string manipulations. This is because strings are immutable, meaning that every time you modify a string, a new string object is created in memory. StringBuilder, on the other hand, modifies the existing string buffer without creating new objects, resulting in improved performance.

5. Best Practices and Tips

To make the most out of StringBuilder, here are some best practices and tips to keep in mind:

  • Avoid unnecessary string concatenation: Instead of repeatedly concatenating strings using the + operator, use StringBuilder to append the strings. This reduces memory allocations and improves performance.
  • Set the initial capacity: If you know the approximate length of the final string, set the initial capacity of StringBuilder accordingly. This can further optimize performance by reducing the number of memory allocations.
  • Chain method calls: When performing multiple string manipulations, consider chaining the method calls instead of repeatedly accessing the StringBuilder object. This can make your code more concise and readable.
  • Reuse StringBuilder objects: If you need to perform similar string manipulations multiple times, consider reusing the same StringBuilder object instead of creating a new one each time. This can significantly improve performance and reduce memory usage.

6. Real-Life Examples and Use Cases

To illustrate the power and versatility of StringBuilder, let’s explore some real-life examples and use cases:

  • Generating dynamic HTML content: When building a website dynamically, StringBuilder can be used to efficiently create HTML content by appending strings that represent HTML tags, attributes, and content.
  • Logging and debugging: StringBuilder can be a valuable tool for logging and debugging purposes. Instead of concatenating log messages or debug information using string concatenation, use StringBuilder to efficiently build the final log or debug message.
  • Writing large files: When writing large files, such as CSV or XML documents, using StringBuilder can significantly improve performance and memory usage. By appending the file contents to a StringBuilder object, you can efficiently build the final content before writing it to a file.

And there we have it! We explored the power and versatility of StringBuilder for advanced string handling. We learned how to create StringBuilder objects, append and modify strings, consider performance considerations, and apply best practices and tips. We also explored real-life examples and use cases where StringBuilder can be a valuable tool. By mastering the art of string manipulation with StringBuilder, you can write more efficient and performant code. So go ahead, experiment with StringBuilder, and elevate your string-handling skills to the next level!


C# String Manipulation: How to Break a String Into Individual Parts and Put It Back Together Again

String manipulation is a fundamental concept in programming, and it plays a crucial role in C# development. Whether you are working on a simple application or a complex project, understanding how to break a string into individual parts and put it back together again can greatly enhance your coding skills. In this blog post, we will explore various techniques and methods to achieve string manipulation in C#, providing you with actionable insights that you can apply to your own projects.

1. Introduction

Before diving into the various techniques of string manipulation in C#, let’s understand the basic concept. In C# programming, a string is a sequence of characters that represents textual data. String manipulation involves performing operations such as splitting, joining, extracting substrings, replacing characters or substrings, converting case, and more.

Properly understanding and implementing string manipulation techniques can greatly improve your code’s readability, maintainability, and performance. So, let’s explore how to achieve string manipulation in C# step by step.

2. Splitting a String

Splitting a string is the process of breaking it into multiple parts based on a specific delimiter, pattern, fixed length, or conditions. C# provides various methods to split strings, and we will explore them below.

Method 1: Splitting a string using a delimiter

The most common way to split a string is by using a delimiter. Delimiters can be characters, characters array, or strings. The Split method in C# allows you to split a string based on a delimiter and returns an array of substrings. Here’s an example:

string input = "Hello,World";
string[] parts = input.Split(',');

// Output: ["Hello", "World"]

In this example, the string input is split into two parts based on the comma delimiter (‘,’).

Method 2: Splitting a string using a regular expression pattern

If you have more complex splitting requirements, you can use regular expressions to split a string. The Regex.Split method in C# allows you to split a string based on a regex pattern. Here’s an example:

string input = "Red;Blue,Green:Yellow";
string[] parts = Regex.Split(input, ";|,|:");

// Output: ["Red", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow"]

In this example, the string input is split into four parts based on the delimiter patterns (;, ,, :).

Method 3: Splitting a string into fixed-length parts

Sometimes, you may need to split a string into fixed-length parts. The Substring method in C# allows you to extract a specific substring from a string based on the starting position and length. You can use a loop to split the string into multiple fixed-length parts. Here’s an example:

string input = "1234567890";
int partLength = 3;
List<string> parts = new List<string>();

for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i += partLength)
    string part = input.Substring(i, Math.Min(partLength, input.Length - i));

// Output: ["123", "456", "789", "0"]

In this example, the string input is split into multiple parts of length 3.

Method 4: Splitting a string based on conditions

In some cases, you may need to split a string based on specific conditions. You can use the Split method with additional parameters to achieve this. Here’s an example:

string input = "Hello123World456";
string[] parts = input.Split(c => !Char.IsLetter(c));

// Output: ["Hello", "World"]

In this example, the string input is split into two parts based on the condition that a character is not a letter.

3. Joining and Concatenating Strings

Joining and concatenating strings is the process of combining multiple strings into a single string. C# provides several methods to achieve this, allowing you to join strings with a delimiter, join string arrays, or concatenate strings.

Method 1: Joining strings with a delimiter

The string.Join method in C# allows you to join an array or collection of strings using a delimiter. Here’s an example:

string[] words = { "Hello", "World" };
string joinedString = string.Join(", ", words);

// Output: "Hello, World"

In this example, the strings in the words array are joined using a comma and a space delimiter.

Method 2: Joining string arrays

If you have multiple string arrays that need to be combined, you can use the Concat method in C#. Here’s an example:

string[] array1 = { "Hello", "World" };
string[] array2 = { "This", "is" };
string[] array3 = { "C#", "Programming" };

string[] combinedArray = array1.Concat(array2).Concat(array3).ToArray();

// Output: ["Hello", "World", "This", "is", "C#", "Programming"]

In this example, the three string arrays are combined into a single array using the Concat method.

Method 3: Concatenating strings

If you want to concatenate two strings without using any delimiter, you can simply use the + operator or string.Concat method. Here’s an example:

string str1 = "Hello";
string str2 = "World";
string concatenatedString = str1 + str2;

// Output: "HelloWorld"

In this example, the strings str1 and str2 are concatenated using the + operator.

4. Advanced String Manipulation Techniques

In addition to basic string splitting and joining operations, C# provides various advanced techniques for string manipulation. Let’s explore some of them below.

Method 1: Extracting substrings

The Substring method in C# allows you to extract a specific substring from a string based on the starting position and length. Here’s an example:

string input = "Hello, World";
string extractedSubstring = input.Substring(7, 5);

// Output: "World"

In this example, the substring starting at index 7 with a length of 5 characters is extracted from the string input.

Method 2: Replacing characters or substrings

The Replace method in C# allows you to replace specific characters or substrings within a string. Here’s an example:

string input = "Hello, World";
string replacedString = input.Replace("World", "Universe");

// Output: "Hello, Universe"

In this example, the substring “World” is replaced with “Universe” within the string input.

Method 3: Converting case

C# provides methods to convert the case of strings, such as converting to uppercase or lowercase. Here are some examples:

string input = "Hello, World";
string lowercaseString = input.ToLower();
string uppercaseString = input.ToUpper();

// Output: "hello, world" (lowercaseString)
// Output: "HELLO, WORLD" (uppercaseString)

In these examples, the ToLower and ToUpper methods are used to convert the string input to lowercase and uppercase, respectively.

Method 4: Removing leading and trailing whitespaces

If you want to remove leading and trailing whitespaces from a string, you can use the Trim method in C#. Here’s an example:

string input = "   Hello, World   ";
string trimmedString = input.Trim();

// Output: "Hello, World"

In this example, the leading and trailing whitespaces are removed from the string input using the Trim method.

5. Best Practices for String Manipulation in C

To achieve efficient and maintainable code, here are some best practices for string manipulation in C#:

  • Use meaningful variable names: Choose descriptive names for variables involved in string manipulation operations, making your code easier to understand.
  • Consider performance: Depending on the size of the string and the complexity of the manipulation, some methods may have better performance than others. Choose the most efficient method for your specific use case.
  • Handle null or empty strings: Ensure your code handles null or empty strings appropriately to avoid unexpected errors.
  • Use StringBuilder for large concatenations: If you need to concatenate a large number of strings, consider using the StringBuilder class instead of repeated concatenation using the + operator. This can significantly improve performance.

Well, we explored various techniques and methods for string manipulation in C#. We covered how to split a string using different approaches, such as using delimiters, regular expressions, fixed-length parts, and conditions. We also discussed methods for joining and concatenating strings, as well as advanced string manipulation techniques like extracting substrings, replacing characters or substrings, converting case, and removing leading/trailing whitespaces.

By applying these string manipulation techniques in your C# projects, you can enhance your code’s functionality and readability. Remember to follow best practices and consider the performance implications of different methods for efficient coding. String manipulation is a crucial skill for any C# developer, and with practice, you can become proficient in manipulating strings to meet the demands of your applications. Happy coding!


Adding and Using Custom Exceptions in C#: Best Practices and Use Cases

In C#, exceptions are used to handle run-time errors and enable developers to write code that gracefully handles unpredictable situations. While C# provides a set of built-in exceptions, there are times when you may need to create and use custom exceptions to handle specific situations in your code. In this blog post, we will explore the best practices for adding and using custom exceptions in C#, and discuss some common use cases where custom exceptions can be beneficial.

What are Custom Exceptions?

A custom exception is a user-defined exception that extends the base Exception class provided by C#. By creating a custom exception, you can define your own exception types and handle them in a specific way within your code. This allows you to properly encapsulate and communicate the exceptional behavior of your application.

Creating a Custom Exception

To create a custom exception in C#, you need to define a new class that inherits from the base Exception class. Let’s illustrate this with an example:

public class InvalidInputException : Exception
    public InvalidInputException() { }

    public InvalidInputException(string message) : base(message) { }

    public InvalidInputException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException) { }

In the above code snippet, we’ve created a custom exception called InvalidInputException that inherits from the base Exception class. It provides three constructors to handle different scenarios when throwing the exception.

Throwing Custom Exceptions

Once you have created your custom exception, you can throw it in your code whenever you encounter an exceptional situation. Let’s see an example:

public class Calculator
    public int Divide(int dividend, int divisor)
        if (divisor == 0)
            throw new DivideByZeroException("Divisor cannot be zero.");

        if (dividend < 0 || divisor < 0)
            throw new InvalidInputException("Negative values are not allowed.");

        return dividend / divisor;

In the above code, we’re using the custom exception InvalidInputException to handle the scenario when negative values are passed as inputs to the Divide method of the Calculator class. By throwing this custom exception, we provide a clear indication of what went wrong and allow for targeted exception handling.

Handling Custom Exceptions

When you throw a custom exception, you should also handle it appropriately within your code to take corrective actions or provide meaningful feedback to the user. To handle a custom exception, you can use try-catch blocks. Let’s see an example:

Calculator calculator = new Calculator();

    int result = calculator.Divide(10, 0);
catch (DivideByZeroException ex)
    Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
catch (InvalidInputException ex)
    Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);

In the above code, we handle both the DivideByZeroException and InvalidInputException exceptions separately and provide appropriate error messages to the user. Handling custom exceptions in this way allows for granular error reporting and better control over the flow of your application.

Best Practices for Using Custom Exceptions

1. Follow a Meaningful Naming Convention

When creating custom exceptions, it is essential to follow a naming convention that accurately describes the exceptional situation being handled. Use descriptive names that reflect the nature of the exception, making it easier for other developers to understand and handle the exception appropriately.

2. Provide Useful Exception Messages

Custom exceptions should have informative messages that clearly define the problem and guide the user towards a solution. Consider including relevant information such as the context or specific values that caused the exception. Well-crafted exception messages improve debugging and ultimately help resolve issues faster.

3. Inherit from Existing Exception Types

Whenever possible, try to inherit from existing exception types that are closely related to your specific exception. This allows for better categorization and more specialized exception handling. By using existing exception types as base classes, you can leverage existing exception-handling mechanisms and avoid confusing other developers with unnecessary custom exception types.

4. Layer Custom Exceptions Appropriately

In a large application or system, it is common to have multiple layers of exception handling. When using custom exceptions, it’s crucial to ensure that exceptions are handled at the appropriate layer. This helps maintain the separation of concerns and allows for better error recovery and reporting.

5. Unit Test Exception Handling

Testing exception handling is as important as testing regular functionality. Ensure you have comprehensive unit tests in place that cover various scenarios where your custom exceptions can be thrown. This helps validate the correct behavior of your exception-handling code and enhances the overall reliability of your application.

Use Cases for Custom Exceptions

Now that we have covered the best practices, let’s discuss a few common use cases where custom exceptions can be utilized effectively:

1. Domain-Specific Exceptions

In a domain-driven design, custom exceptions can be used to represent specific business rules and constraints. For example, you might define a InsufficientFundsException to handle situations where a customer tries to withdraw more money than is available in their account.

2. API Exception Handling

When building APIs, custom exceptions can be used to represent specific error states and provide well-defined error responses to clients. This enhances the clarity and usability of your API, enabling the client applications to handle exceptions more gracefully.

3. Validation Exception Handling

Custom exceptions can be utilized to handle validation-related errors. For instance, you may create a ValidationException to handle input validation failures, allowing you to centralize and standardize the error reporting logic across your application.

4. Integration Exception Handling

When integrating with external systems or services, custom exceptions can be used to encapsulate any errors that occur during the interaction. This enables you to handle integration-specific exceptions separately from other types of exceptions and implement appropriate retry mechanisms or alternative strategies.

Adding and using custom exceptions in C# can greatly enhance the error-handling capabilities of your application, providing more accurate and targeted exception handling. It is important to follow best practices such as meaningful naming conventions, informative exception messages, and appropriate exception handling throughout your codebase. By utilizing custom exceptions in the right scenarios, you can create more robust and reliable software systems.

Remember to test your exception-handling logic and continuously refine it based on real-world scenarios and user feedback. With proper implementation and thoughtful use, custom exceptions can greatly improve the quality and maintainability of your C# codebase.