Category Archives: Github

My Github Repo

Azure complications with their ninja updates to services behind the scene

Picture uploads were working in November just fine as I had tested them to make sure the changes to the Function script were ok. But when I checked in mid-January it wasn’t working at all. I troubleshot for days to see if it was a configuration error or not but did not find anything out of the ordinary.

After opening a ticket they checked and said the Function server kept rebooting for some reason. Hmm, I said about that as I did not change anything in January when it stopped working. I asked them to check if there was an update to the container OS running the function and get back to me on it.

Well after about 2 weeks they said that my Python module ProtoBuf by google was out of date. So I updated all the required modules in requirements.txt and pushed it to GitHub and after it deployed the Function again and compiled it was running like a champ.

So they had updated the Python version on the image and updated their Function requirements as far as modules as well.

So next time I’m just going to open a ticket and let them tell me what had changed LOL.
