Some New News

Well, I got Deepl integrated into Translate My Lingo. Now I have it set to share the translation work across all the engines (Google, Microsoft, Deepl) with Microsoft carrying a little more load since it has many more free characters than the other two for translation. But it is more equitable and should be more long-lasting now. Like I call it a BYOS or Bring Your Own Subscription app, it allows users to control their own costs and spend the way they want. The only block is that Deepl uses a different API call for its paid service than the free service. If there is a need to go paid on Deepl I’ll set that up later. It is a decent and speedy app for doing store translations for the Google and Apple Stores…for now. I got to look at all the data points that the Windows Store has (which is a lot!) to add support for it but I think in a few months I can add it on as well.

Now speaking of Google, if you get their developer emails you know that they are pushing privacy more and more and more and more. And coming in the fall are more changes to permissions and also the responsibilities of developers of Rated E apps. Which Azure SBM is a Rated E app since I donated the Windows version of it to the local high schools to give the kids getting certified in storage a tool to use and they seem to like it as I get a lot of emails from them and their teachers thanking me for the donation and updates. But I think I am going to end up having to add Cognitive Vision Scanning for Adult Content downloaded and uploaded with the app and block it to keep that rating. But the cost will be sky high to run a vision service like that. So, I may bump the age rating to get around having to pay for vision scanning but there is also a moral imperative that my app is being used in a negative way. Sure it is their content but when they use my app to move it in or out then I take responsibility there.

Right now I’m still thinking about it but I just don’t know which way to go.


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