Translate My Lingo App – Updated March 28

Is in the Windows App Store Now! Got a lot of work to do on the store interface but the app is solid. You can find it here it’s a fast-loading four-tab app that requires both an Azure Translation Subscription and a Google Translate API Key. You can get both on a free track and with Azure translate 2M characters a month with it free. Google gives you a 10 dollar credit that allows up to 500,000 characters translated each month.

With it, you can skip about half the Google 300 US fee to translate your Play Store entries for all the languages you have localized and get it done yourself pretty quickly.

Also, once you’ve localized the second tab of the app will translate your app update note into about 80 languages for you. All you have to do is copy and paste once it’s done and that’s it.

Here is patch note translation in action, kinda long but it is translating the patch notes into over 80 plus languages.

A shot of the main store front translator


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